Monday, March 4, 2013

Hungry Hungry Hippo - The New Hunger Game

Do you remember the Hungry Hungry Hippo game?  It was a popular kids game in the 80’s and 90’s.  It was a lot of fun to play.  The goal of the game is to get as many marbles into your hippo as fast as possible.  It was a game that didn’t require a lot of thought and a fast hand.

     When you think about it, there are times when we stand in our kitchen with little to no thought and a fast hand just like the game.  Except the rules have changed. We don’t want to eat as much as we possibly can.  We want to make good choices and feel satisfied. 

So how do we outsmart this Hungry Hungry Hippo game in the kitchen and in life?  
 Here are a few tips to try:

Step #1 Sleep 

Sleep is so important.  Try to get at least 6-8 hours a night.  It will save you up to 500 calories the next day.  Not getting enough sleep is a major factor when it comes to hunger and making good food choices.

Step #2 Water

Have a glass of water… or two! Not having enough water or being dehydrated can make the body feel like it’s hungry.

Water makes you feel full and tells your brain it’s not hungry but dehydrated. 

Try to get 2 or more quarts of water a day for women and 3 or more quarts of water for men.

Step #3  Fill up on Greens

If you have tried step one and step two and you still find yourself hungry for more.  Try a healthy salad.  There are vegetables such as spinach, bell peppers, mushrooms, and other leafy green vegetables that are considered “free foods”.

We all have hungry times and it’s how we react in those times that make all the difference.  Try to remember these steps to avoid over-eating on those hungry days. Avoid Eating When You Are Bored Stop Being Hungry Quickly Sleeping Calories Eat Study

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