Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day #2: Toning Tuesday

Excerpt from email:

Happy Tuesday To You!
What did you think of your first day?  Do you feel cleaner?  Starting anything new is always a challenge but I hope you feel good about your efforts. In fact, I hope you feel like doing a happy dance....  (watch video)  

I hope you feel good inside and out!
Good luck on day #2!

Have you tried your new workout yet?

Spring 7 Day Slim Down Challenge

Workout by minutes:

Warm up as long as you need to and begin:
1)   push ups (can be done on knees)
2)   alternating side lunge with a front raise using dumbells
3)   burpy
4)   sumo squat with small hops (can bend the knees and go into a squat to protect knees if you have knee issues)
5)   full sit ups - hold weights at chest
6)   push ups
7)   standing side leg lifts 30 seconds right leg 30 seconds left leg
8)   plyometric jack
9)   jump rope with a rope or a pretend rope
10) elbow plank
11) squat with an overhead press
12) mountain climbers
13) double crunch
14) hand plank
15) cool down as long as you need to or repeat circuit

This information presented by Kerifit.com and is for educational and resource purposes only. It is NOT a substitute for or an addition to any advice given to you by your Physician or Health Care Provider. You should always check with your own health care professionals in all matters concerning health, exercise and diet.

Please understand that you are solely responsible for the way this information is perceived and utilized and you do so at your own risk.

In no way will Kerifit.com or any persons associated with the company be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this website or the advice contained within.

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